20 Inventions That Came as A BIG Surprise

Invention out of chaos, because nothing comes from nothing[nothing ever could]

Life as we know it is in constant motion, always changing and improving, never stagnant; and as far as modern inventions go—that’s all thanks to the creative inventors and entrepreneurs that continue to bring us ground breaking innovation. Countless hours go into the development of new products and equipment that make our everyday lives easier, and more enjoyable. Hard work isn’t the only thing that’s at play with new inventions and innovation—there’s also millions of dollars and people’s livelihood at play here.

''Name the greatest of all inventors. Accidents''
- Mark Twain's Notebook

However, that’s not ALWAYS the case! Some of the world’s best inventions were accidents and some were even created during the process of developing something completely different–I guess Mark Twain said it best. Take vulcanized rubber for example, it was developed by Charles Goodyear when he knocked over containers full of rubber, sulfur, and lead. When the solution hardened it became the first rubber resistant to high and low temperatures, making it perfect for car tires. Changing the world isn’t easy, but for some people, it strangely is. Who knows, you could be the world’s next greatest inventor…
Most of the items on this list will shock you, as some of them have become everyday household items that most of us couldn’t fathom living without. Due to the importance of many of the items on this list, it’s important to pay homage to those who created them, even if it’s only for a moment. The next 20 items represent the essence of innovation and creativity, and best of all it’s a quick and interesting read. You’ll start to ask yourself, “How did I not know this?” and by the end you’ll have some interesting facts to share at the office watering hole. Oh, and you’re going to love number 20…


Mark Twain's Notebook


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