by Michael Corthell, Publisher

You may think that what is going on in America today, and in much of the world is unjust, despicable, or even down right horrifying. Maybe it is just the continuation of an imperfect, and fallen world. It is, but we are coming to a reckoning, the termination of one age, and the beginning of another. What we are in the midst of, is an upheaval, a transitional phase that some in the Christian tradition call the Tribulation period or the time of Jacob's trouble. (the Koran and other traditions also speak of this time).

Any change in life can be difficult, so any major world change or paradigm shift is, of course, a big deal, but, and let's get this straight, it is NOT the end of the world.

Yes, we have big problems, but what are the solutions, and who makes the decisions about those solutions? In America, we the people make those decisions or at least we are supposed to.

Today, we face another world conflict over an evil group of men who rule over a very small, impoverished Asian country.

Is the right way to handle the situation to 'fight fire with fire', trade insult, and threat for insult and threat? We the people know the answer.

Another even more pressing problem that may appear at first glance to be science fiction is the rise of artificial intelligence and artificial life.

Both problems require the same means of solving them. That is for the free people of the United States, and other nations to, as the mem above says, ''offer our collective wisdom'' to the people who serve us in government.

The combined, collective weight of strong public opinion always wins the day. Let's take control of our country once more. Share the meme above.

It is time.

[if you disagree or even agree with this assessment, please voice your opinion, even if it is in private:]
