A Very Scary ARTIFICIAL Life and Intelligence Update

Are computers on their way to becoming people?

You probably wouldn’t have any qualms about switching off Apple’s virtual assistant, Siri — or Amazon’s Alexa or Microsoft’s Cortana. Such entities emulate a human assistant but plainly aren't human at all. We sense that beneath all the sophisticated software, there’s “nobody home.”

But artificial intelligence is progressing swiftly. In the not-too-distant future we may begin to feel that our machines have something akin to thoughts and feelings, even though they’re made of metal and plastic rather than flesh and blood. When that happens, how we treat our machines will matter; AI experts, philosophers, and scholars are already imagining a time when robots and intelligent machines may deserve — and be accorded — some sort of rights.

Google supercomputer creates its own ‘AI CHILD’
A GOOGLE supercomputer has created its own “AI child” that is capable of outperforming humans.

The tech giant’s computer-made system known as NASNet is able to identify objects, such as people and cars, in photos and videos.

According to studies, the Google “brain” can pick out these objects with a 82.7% accuracy rate – something the company says is better than any man-made AI system.
And the AI breakthrough will have a huge impact on the entire field.

Experts have said the findings show automation is the key to creating the most accurate AI systems – meaning Artificial Intelligence would actually create more AI.


New robots can see into their future

UC Berkeley researchers have developed a robotic learning technology that enables robots to imagine the future of their actions so they can figure out how to manipulate objects they have never encountered before.

In the future, this technology could help self-driving cars anticipate future events on the road and produce more intelligent robotic assistants in homes, but the initial prototype focuses on learning simple manual skills entirely from autonomous play.



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